Honolulu, Hawaii February 27 - 28, 2020
Holding Tender Hearts in EFT Stage 2:
Clarifying Process & Deepening Emotion
Workshop Description
Experience Marlene, in person, as she facilitates an exploration of the EFT Stage 2 change events of Withdrawer Re-Engagement & Pursuer Softening, including the essential skills needed to help your couples restructure their bonds. Through teaching, videos & exercises, you'll learn how to lean into vulnerable emotions by heightening primary affect, incorporate "parts" work including view of self & view of other, help each partner to complete the risk, reach & response to shift interaction patterns, & address self-of-therapist issues.
Watch the video to meet Marlene & hear her talk about this workshop!
Attendees will be able to:
1) Describe the markers of de-escalation & assess readiness to move into Stage 2;
2) Explain the need to pace one's intrapsychic exploration with each partner, particularly when to contain & when to heighten emotion;
3) Explain how to work through Steps 5, 6 & 7 with both Withdrawers & Pursuers;
4) Describe the interventions required for successful completion of both change events;
5) Describe the use of the EFT Tango in Stage 2;
6) Describe the qualities of sufficient depth of emotional experiencing required for each change event;
7) Define Withdrawer Re-Engagement & PUrsuer Softening;
8) Provide an overview of the research on the process of change behind Withdrawer Re-Engagement & Pursuer Softening;
9) Describe how to transition from Withdrawer Re-Engagement to Pursuer Softening;
10) List the challenges presented by pursuers & withdrawers;
11) List key processing skills highlighted by the videos;
12) List 3 statements that could demonstrate "parts" work;
13) Describe 2 obstacles and/or impasse situations & ways of responding;
14) Describe one or two common self-of-therapist issues that can emerge when working in Stage 2 change events.
Learning Objectives
(12 CEUs available for purchase):
(1) Recognize underlying primary emotions & attachment needs of withdrawing & pursuing partners.
(2) Utilize steps 5, 6 & 7 in EFT to create a Stage 2 restructuring of attachment bonds.
(3) Apply experiential techniques & skills that help access, heighten & process primary emotions.
(4) Use EFT interventions, including the EFT TAngo, to help each partner complete the risk, reach & response that is vital to successfully shifting their interaction pattern.
(5) Incorporate "parts" work, including views of self & other.
(6) Recognize & anticipate common challenges in facilitating Stage 2 change events.
About your presenter, Marlene Best, PhD, C.Psych:
Marlene is a registered psychologist in Ontario, Canada & an ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist, Supervisor & Trainer. She is in private practice with Sue Johnson at the Ottawa Couple & Family Institute, where she provides EFT to couples & inidividuals, & clinical supervision to practicing psychologists.
Marlene is also a Clinical Professor at the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, where she teaches graduate courses on EFT - both couple & individual modalities. Additionally, she provides clinical supervision to doctoral students & interns learning EFT. In 2006 & 2016, Marlene received the student-nominated award for excellence in clinical supervision.
Internationally recognized for her trainings in EFT, Marlene has taught Externships, Core Skills & Master Classes on advanced special topics. In collaboration with colleagues, she developed an on-line EFT supervision course & co-facilitates a monthly EFT supervision support group for EFT supervisors-in-training.
Dates: Thurs.-Fri., Feb. 27 - 28, 2020
Times: 8:15am - 4:45pm
Location: JAIMS, 6660 Hawaii Kai Dr.
Honolulu, Hawaii 96825
Prerequisite: EFT 4-Day Externship
Registration: $425
Questions: Email Cindy Zane, PsyD
CE Information
12 Continuing Education credits for this program have been applied for through R. Cassidy Seminars. Registration for CEUs, which costs $40.00, is a separate payment process. Click the link below to register & pay for CEUs.
Requests to cancel registration must be submitted in writing to drcindygoodnesszane@gmail.com
Cancellation requests received more than 30 days before the event will be refunded in full.
Cancellation requests received 30 days or less before the event will receive a refund of the registration amount minus a $50 administration fee.
The organizer reserves the right to cancel the event for reasons of safety, act of God, or the minimum number of participants have not registered. If the event is cancelled by the organizer, registrants will be issued a full refund.